Tag Archives: Fear

Seminar One

Hi all, and welcome to unschool.

First Seminar: Congratulations, you have engaged resistance already.  Something brought you here, and in this action, you have defied the constructs of all you have been raised into.  You are beginning to experience the effects of this deconstruction. Although you may have felt that change cannot happen, a simple engagement of your mind IS the change.

It changes exponentially because the more conscious you are, the more you become.

In this, you naturally attract others to question things. A simple, proven way to fix things is to identify the cause. Only when you identify the cause  can you fix the problem. Looking at the system now, society may identify ways to fix something without finding the cause. This mindset is flawed, in the sense that even if these things  do get fixed, the problem manifests itself in yet another form.

That is because we’re still within the boundaries of this system.

If the way to fixing things IS identifying the problem, than what would we find to be the problem? The problem is ourselves. War, Oppression, Racism, Hate, Spite, and Greed will all persist if we don’t fix ourselves.  Fortunately for us, this problem is fixed instantly. All it takes is a choice between fear and love. I’ll explain:

As humans, we are sentient, and conscious. As humans, we have unlimited potential. The same way the body evolves, the mind evolves as well. What we  are now witnessing is  a new evolution of the human mind. This evolution is based off of a core principle:

The only thing stopping you from evolving is fear of expanding yourself.

Therefore, fear is objective to oneself. There is no fear unless you think there is. Even then, its an illusion.

I have felt the disparity of letting the logical self let fear take over. The feelings may go one way while the mind doubts the feelings, and you trust the mind. I tell you this: your feelings have not been pointless. They are linked to the natural urge towards expansion of the self. The feelings come first as a designator, and the mind follows to give you free will on what to do with those feelings.

That is where you choose  either fear or love. Its simple, you have the choice.  Always.

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Filed under Freedom, Love, Oppression, Revolution